Monday, September 8, 2014

finding my way...

welcome to my blog... my goal is to share with you my journey towards health and fitness.. my successes and failures, my recipes and disasters.  I am new at this, so i'm sure it will evolve into something that I didn't plan, but that's ok! I want to inspire you to get the best out of your life that you can.. to crave the best.. the best food, the best way to live.. the best exercise to get you in the best shape of your life.. crave greatness.. that's what i'm all about!

My Journey...

I'm a 38 year old mom of 2.. ages 2 and 1.  I was in horrible shape before I had kids, and was able to lose some weight after having them, but always desired to be better.. I hated the way I looked, would avoid talking to people because I was afraid they were judging me and generally had low self esteem.. I watched weight loss shows on TV and thought to myself, I wish I could be there.. on that show, in their shoes.  I wasn't that big.. I used to say to myself.  but I had a problem.  I wasn't losing any weight, I was staying the same or gaining a few here and there throughout the years.  I don't remember getting as big as I was.. I know that every year when I would buy back to school clothes, I'd get the next bigger size.  I didn't do anything about it, I just kept saying to myself.. I'll make better choices tomorrow.  I'll workout tomorrow.. tomorrow.. I just kept putting it off..   I wonder how many of you just keep putting it off..

Before picture taken 3/28/2014
After picture taken 8/28/14
I started following a few friends from high school on facebook who were doing some amazing things.. getting in shape and teaching others how to also.. I watched for a few months.. thinking.. tomorrow I'll start.  I couldn't get the nerve to contact them.  I was embarrassed and didn't want to admit out loud that i might need help... or that i was in this position in the first place.  I finally reached out.  That changed my life.  Within a few days of reaching out I ordered the BeachBody program The 21 Day Fix.  I received my kit in about a week and three days later started in my first 21 day challenge group.  I lost 6 pounds that first week using the portion control containers and following the 30 minute workouts.  I could barely get through a workout because I was so out of shape.. but I did it.  every.. single.. day.  I was so proud of myself and at the end of the 21 days, had lost 12 lbs and almost 13 inches.  WOW!!!  I was hooked!  It's been 5 months since I started my new lifestyle and I'm down 40 plus pounds and over 30 inches.  I went from a size 14/16 to a 2/4!!!  I can't believe it.  I actually bought a pair of dress pants in size 2!  I've also gained strength (like i can now do real pushups.. several of them in a row! :))  I couldn't and still can't believe I am where  I am.. because I had such great success.. I needed to become a beachbody coach to inspire others to take the same journey.  don't be afraid.  jump in with both feet and I'll catch you.  I may not know you, I may never know you.. but i understand you.. and if I don't, i'll try to.

So if you are in my position.. if you want to change your life.. if you want to eat the best food, work towards being better.. reach out to me, follow me, let me guide you in your own success story!

thanks for reading..  CRAVE greatness..


Contact me anytime you need help or if you have questions!
Also, feel free to check out the BeachBody programs through my personal site!

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